
Welcome to part three in our creative process chronicles! If you missed part one you can find them here, here, and here!

Letters for all

We had our script and we had our artist, but there was one more thing we were missing – a letterer.

The lettering comes last in the process so none of their work can start until everyone else’s is finished. While the art  could widen our narrative scope and give Ryan room to interpret content for the readers, the letterer is almost entirely dependent on what we and Ryan deliver to them.

Above all, we wanted to make sure that the letterer worked well with Ryan’s art – so, Ryan suggested someone who had worked with him for over four years! Hde Ponsonby-Jones, our new letterer, has the task of making sure all of our dialogue, narrative bubbles, titles and sound effects are easy to follow and have a good flow.

Hde gave us two options to work with – the panels on the left were what we had written in the script while the one on the right provided the readers with a more natural flow.

Even though we were through the bulk of our creative process we were still learning.

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