TWO Surprise Announcements!

One of our primary goals here at ADM, and most especially with Incident Report, is to give you as many ways to engage as possible. We love deep world building. One thing we’ve wanted to do since the very beginning is give readers a multimedia approach – nothing is consumed in a vacuum. So to that end, we have a pair of updates we’re sure you’ll love. One of our primary goals here at ADM, and most especially with Incident Report, is to give you as many ways to engage as possible. We love deep world building. One thing we’ve wanted to do since the very beginning is give readers a multimedia approach – nothing is consumed in a vacuum. So to that end, we have a pair of updates we’re sure you’ll love.

The ICA Website/Portal

Want to learn more about the ICA? Well, you can’t exactly Google it…Yet. After the Kickstarter, we will be planning and launching an official ICA website. The site will contain a huge amount of additional world information so that you can research powers just like characters within the Chimeran-verse can.

Kickstarter Reward: Chimeran Identification Card

We’re very excited about this! Backers can pledge to receive an official Chimeran ID cards in our upcoming Kickstarter. This ID isn’t just a cool prop – it will come with a unique ID number that will allow you “register” as a Chimeran on the ICA website to access custom content online and at in-person events. The ID card will be customized with your name, photo, and flag from your country of origin. Plus, you’ll be able to choose your type of power and it will appear on your ID. Check out the sample!

Chimeran ID Card sample

If that doesn’t make you swoon, we don’t know what will! Stay tuned for more updates!

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